Recent advances in crop protection | 農藥合法資訊網
In the recent years, the need to increase food production to meet the demands of rapidly increasing population from a limited land resource necessitated the use of intensive farming systems, with the inputs like narrow genetic base, high dose of fertilizers, pesticides, irrigation, monocropping, etc. which led to the development of diseases and pest. The effect of changing global climate, particularly the sharp increase in CO2 concentration, has increased the susceptibility of plants to pathogens and pests. Because of the chemicalization of agriculture, the age-old eco-friendly pest management practices like sanitation, crop rotation, mixed cropping, adjustment of date of planting, fallowing, summer ploughing, green manuring, composting, etc. are not being practiced, affecting the crops adversely. This has encouraged researchers to look for eco-friendly and novel approaches for pest management. The information on re...
Pyraclostrobin | 農藥合法資訊網
Pyraclostrobin | 農藥合法資訊網
Pyraclostrobin | 農藥合法資訊網
BASF Cabriotop (Pyraclostrobin + Metiram) 600 gm | 農藥合法資訊網
Search Bayer's fungicide products | 農藥合法資訊網
Agriculture Fungicide | 農藥合法資訊網
First Report on Resistance to Pyraclostrobin | 農藥合法資訊網
Recent advances in crop protection | 農藥合法資訊網
快克疫【達滅芬 DIMETHOMORPH】農藥製6226
聯司令【百克敏 PYRACLOSTROBIN】農藥製6628
露必清【達滅芬 DIMETHOMORPH】農藥製5692
稱霸年【百克敏 PYRACLOSTROBIN】農藥製6539
大總管【百克敏 PYRACLOSTROBIN】農藥進3480
祥發【達滅芬 DIMETHOMORPH】農藥進2967
祥稱【達滅芬 DIMETHOMORPH】農藥製5296
尚發【達滅芬 DIMETHOMORPH】農藥進2511
威震百方【百克敏 PYRACLOSTROBIN】農藥進3538
吉發【達滅芬 DIMETHOMORPH】農藥製5578
大成發【達滅芬 DIMETHOMORPH】農藥進3137
總司令【百克敏 PYRACLOSTROBIN】農藥進2268
祥介好【達滅芬 DIMETHOMORPH】農藥進2901
速疫清【達滅芬 DIMETHOMORPH】農藥製5773
總ㄟ好【百克敏 PYRACLOSTROBIN】農藥進3476