BOSCALID | 農藥合法資訊網
Boscalidisanewpesticidebelongingtotheclassofoxathiinfungicides,alsoknownascarboxamide,carboxinor(carbox)anilidefungicides.U.S.EPAhas ...
Boscalid is a new pesticide belonging to the class of oxathiin fungicides, also known as carboxamide, carboxin or (carbox) anilide fungicides. U.S. EPA has designated the proposed uses of boscalid as “reduced risk.” Boscalid works by inhibiting mitrochondial respiration and subsequent production of ATP in fungal cells. Boscalid has a new mode of action and is effective against pathogens resistant to other fungicides, including those resistant to sterol inhibitors, dicarboximides, benzimidazoles, anilinopyrimidines, phenylamides and strobilurins.
Boscalid | 農藥合法資訊網
Pesticides | 農藥合法資訊網
US EPA | 農藥合法資訊網
Endura® Fungicide | 農藥合法資訊網
Pristine® Fungicide | 農藥合法資訊網
Signum® | 農藥合法資訊網
Mode of action | 農藥合法資訊網
BOSCALID | 農藥合法資訊網
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【白克列 BOSCALID】農藥原進1157
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農金旺【白克列 BOSCALID】農藥製6441
【賽普洛 CYPRODINIL】農藥原進663