Ridomil Gold | 農藥合法資訊網
2021年6月7日—RIDOMILGOLD®isaleadingfungicideforcontrolofimportantdiseasescausedbytheOomycetefungiandcontrolssoilandleafdiseasesina ...
RIDOMIL GOLD® is a leading fungicide for control of important diseases caused by the Oomycete fungi and controls soil and leaf diseases in a number of crops including vegetables, grapes, water melon, ornamentals and cotton. It possesses the composition of two active ingredients METALAXYL-M and MANCOZEB and the formulation of wettable granules. A systemic fungicide which is rapidly taken up by the green plant part transported upwards in the sap stream and is distributed thus provides control of fungi from within the plant and provides a protective film over the plant.
Note: While using the product always refer to the product label for an official listing of crop usage, restrictions and precautions for greater yield and benefits.
Crops Pests Dose ...
Ridomil Gold SL | 農藥合法資訊網
Ridomil Gold MZ WG | 農藥合法資訊網
Ridomil Gold Plus | 農藥合法資訊網
Ridomil Gold 480 SL | 農藥合法資訊網
RIDOMIL GOLD MZ 68 WG | 農藥合法資訊網
Ridomil Gold | 農藥合法資訊網
Ridomil-Gold-480SL | 農藥合法資訊網
Ridomil Gold MZ WG - Fungicide | Syngenta | 農藥合法資訊網
RIDOMIL GOLD | 農藥合法資訊網
Syngenta Fungicide Ridomil MZ | 農藥合法資訊網
疫露滅【鋅錳滅達樂 MANCOZEB + METALAXYL】農藥製4704
露疫佳【鋅錳滅達樂 MANCOZEB + METALAXYL】農藥製5844
真-力樂滅【鋅錳滅達樂 MANCOZEB + METALAXYL】農藥進2267
全滅露-鋅錳【鋅錳滅達樂 MANCOZEB + METALAXYL】農藥製4728
露疫精-鋅錳【鋅錳滅達樂 MANCOZEB + METALAXYL】農藥製4598
露疫失【鋅錳滅達樂 MANCOZEB + METALAXYL】農藥進2356
露速淨【鋅錳滅達樂 MANCOZEB + METALAXYL】農藥製1790