Ridomil Gold MZ WG - Fungicide | Syngenta | 農藥合法資訊網
RIDOMILGOLDMZisafungicideforthecontrolofEarlyandLateBlightinPotatoesandTomatoes,DryberryinCanefruit,DownyMildewinGrapes,Onions, ...
RIDOMIL GOLD MZ is a fungicide for the control of Early and Late Blight in Potatoes and Tomatoes, Dryberry in Canefruit, Downy Mildew in Grapes, Onions, ...Ridomil Gold SL | 農藥合法資訊網
Ridomil Gold MZ WG | 農藥合法資訊網
Ridomil Gold Plus | 農藥合法資訊網
Ridomil Gold 480 SL | 農藥合法資訊網
RIDOMIL GOLD MZ 68 WG | 農藥合法資訊網
Ridomil Gold | 農藥合法資訊網
Ridomil-Gold-480SL | 農藥合法資訊網
Ridomil Gold MZ WG - Fungicide | Syngenta | 農藥合法資訊網
RIDOMIL GOLD | 農藥合法資訊網
Syngenta Fungicide Ridomil MZ | 農藥合法資訊網
露疫佳【鋅錳滅達樂 MANCOZEB + METALAXYL】農藥製5844
露疫精-鋅錳【鋅錳滅達樂 MANCOZEB + METALAXYL】農藥製4598
露速淨【鋅錳滅達樂 MANCOZEB + METALAXYL】農藥製1790
全滅露-鋅錳【鋅錳滅達樂 MANCOZEB + METALAXYL】農藥製4728
疫露滅【鋅錳滅達樂 MANCOZEB + METALAXYL】農藥製4704
露疫失【鋅錳滅達樂 MANCOZEB + METALAXYL】農藥進2356
真-力樂滅【鋅錳滅達樂 MANCOZEB + METALAXYL】農藥進2267