8 Signs and Symptoms of Potassium Deficiency (Hypokalemia) | 農藥合法資訊網
2018年3月7日—Potassiumisanessentialmineralthathasmanyrolesinyourbody.Ithelpsregulatemusclecontractions,maintainhealthynervefunctionand ...
Low potassium, or potassium deficiency, is when your blood potassium level is below 3.5 mmol per liter. In the medical community, it’s known as hypokalemia (1, 2).
Potassium is an essential mineral that has many roles in your body. For example, it helps regulate muscle contractions, maintain healthy nerve function, and regulate fluid balance (3).
Despite its importance, it’s estimated that most adults don’t meet their daily needs. This is likely due to the Western-style diet, which favors processed foods over whole plant foods that are high in potassium — such as fruits, vegetables, beans, and nuts (4).
Still, hypokalemia is rarely caused by dietary deficiency alone. It can be caused by a number of factors, including (1, 2, 5):
fluid loss malnutrition shock use of certain medic...Potassium: Sources, Deficiencies | 農藥合法資訊網
What Does Potassium Do for Your Body? A Detailed Review | 農藥合法資訊網
8 Signs and Symptoms of Potassium Deficiency (Hypokalemia) | 農藥合法資訊網
Potassium | 農藥合法資訊網
Potassium Rich Foods | 農藥合法資訊網
Potassium | 農藥合法資訊網
Potassium - Consumer | 農藥合法資訊網
Potassium | 農藥合法資訊網
High potassium (hyperkalemia) | 農藥合法資訊網
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